Sunday, April 25, 2010

Things I don't understand....

I don't understand how preventing other people by law from doing things that go against your own personal moral beliefs makes you a better person of your faith.

But yet people do it all over the world. Here in America it seems centered around two main issues, abortion and gay marriage. Somehow, preventing complete strangers from legally obtaining abortions and from marrying those they love makes millions of "Good Christians" feel like they are being true to their faith. What I want to know, myself, is how they justify this.

Don't get me wrong though. I have nothing against these people holding the belief that abortion and gay marriage are wrong. They may not be my personal beliefs but I would fight for their right for them to live their beliefs within their own lives. But what I don't understand is what gave them the idea that Jesus wants them to get into their neighbors private business and use the Government as a tool to legally prevent them from doing those things. Jesus and the Bible clearly commands it's followers to stay apart from the world. It also clearly tells them to mind their own lives and wrongdoings and not concern themselves with their neighbors personal sins. Unless of course they are without sin, which is kind of hard to find in this world, a human without sin. Nowhere at all does it say "get involved in Government and force others by law to live by your own personal moral beliefs".

This is especially mind boggling because there are plenty of things good Christians can do to live their faith. They can first and foremost adhere to their morals in their day to day lives. They can follow the suggestions of Jesus to feed and clothe the poor(as you do unto the least of these you do unto me). They can open organizations that offer free Christian Guidance to those who are struggling with these issues in their own lives and wish for that guidance on how to handle them. They can live with the love of Christ as their guidelight and share that love with others. And honestly, if Christians did this and gave themselves fully to those simple things, they wouldn't have room to care whether Sally and Linda down the street or Joe and Bill three streets over get married or not.

And with that standard, I would venture a guess that homosexuals who are being denied the legal protections and rights that marriage, or at the very least a civil partnership offers don't feel loved in any way shape or form. In fact, I would venture a guess that being kept from legal protections like that makes them feel pretty hated.

So how can something that makes people feel hated, that goes against the bibles directive to stay apart from the world, and that meddles in your neighbors personal life be something that shows the love of Jesus? I think the only logical answer is that it does not show the love of Jesus, that it is not a very Christian thing to do. So while they may delude themselves into smug feelings that it makes them better Christians to legislate their personal moral beliefs for others to live by, them believing so does not make that a reality.

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