Thursday, April 22, 2010

Praying for God to kill people is not funny

First, a bit about the meal planning, last night was stuffed peppers, they were good, but there is room for improvement in the recipe I used. Tonight is vegetable beef soup. The meat is cooking on the stove right now, it smells great! I'm going to add in onion, carrots, potatoes, green beans, peas, and mushrooms before it's all said and done :) It's going to be marvelous!

Now onto the topic that brought me here today. There is a bad joke going around it goes something like this "Dear Lord, last year you took my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite musician Michael Jackson and my favorite actress Farrah Fawcett and I just wanted to let you know my favorite politician is Barack Obama". There is even a facebook group by this name, but the maroons who started it misspelled Swayze.

Now I'm sure that some will accuse me of having no sense of humor, but frankly, praying for the death of a very real person does not strike me as funny in any way. It minimizes the tragedy of the deaths of the other people mentioned in the joke, which again strikes me as a really rotten thing to find funny and to spread around. I will leave the MJ thing alone, but both Farrah Fawcett and Patrick Swayze were good people who left behind grieving partners devastated by their tragic deaths by cancer while they were in the prime years of their lives. I'm going to bring in another aspect, as all the people I've seen spreading this around(and joining facebook groups by the name) are Christian. I think it's really sad myself, that a follower of Christ would think that a mock prayer asking their Lord to afflict someone with cancer or otherwise kill them is in any way funny. Why is it that people will act all holy and sanctimonious and wear WWJD stuff but when it comes down to their actions, they choose to do things that Jesus himself would find appalling and shameful? Praying for the death of a person is a hateful act. To make a joke of it does not make it less hateful.

I think it ironic that with one joke someone can mock their own faith, their own God and make themselves look like someone who does not really follow the tenets of their faith and yet somehow in the end they think it's hilarious because to them "it's just a joke".

But then what do I know, I'm just a pagan with no sense of humor :P


  1. I know, I can't believe someone started a group with that name. wtf were they thinking?

    Anisah (MichiganGirl from Snopes), agnostic with no sense of humor ;)

  2. I think the answer is "they weren't!". Sadly though there are too many people who think it is amusing. Thanks for your comment :)
